Sophie Frier Nielsen

Aut. Osteopath D. O.,DPO & Aut. Physiotherapist

Sophie has a diploma in Pediatric Osteopathy.
Sophie is a member of Danish Osteopaths and DSPO Danish Society for Pediatric Osteopathy.

Autoriseret Osteopat Sophie Frier Nielsen City Osteopati og Fysioterapi

Special areas

  • Osteopathy for babies and children
  • Women’s health
  • Treatment of pain related to jaw dysfunctions
  • Treatment of back pain
  • Sports injuries


Write to Sophie:

As a therapist, Sophie is present, in-depth and results-oriented. Sophie has put down roots across Europe, and treats both in Danish, German and English. In her spare time, she practices all adrenaline sports, i.a. MTB and climbing. Sophie has three children, respectively. 10, 7 and 3 years.

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