Ksenia Alakhova

Aut. Osteopath D.O. & Aut. Physiotherapist

Ksenia also has a bachelor's degree in psychology and health from Queens University, Canada

Ksenia has a diploma in Pediatric Osteopathy.
Ksenia is a member of Danish Osteopaths and DSPO Danish Society for Pediatric Osteopathy.

Osteopat Ksenia Alakhova City Osteopati og Fysioterapi

Special areas

  • Cranial osteopathy
  • Osteopathy for babies and children
  • Womens health & pain related to pregnancy
  • Headaches, pain in the neck, shoulders, elbows.
  • Pain related to jaw dysfunctions


Write to Ksenia: ka@cityo.dk

As a therapist, Ksenia is attentive, analytical and thorough. Ksenia was born in Russia, raised in Canada and has lived in Denmark since 2002. In her free time, she does strength training, Thai boxing and running. Ksenia has three boys, respectively. 15, 13 and 6 years.

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